BEE lab is a group of scientists with a diverse set of expertise. We are always looking for motivated colleagues to join us. Please contact Samay (samayp[at]iisc[dot]ac[dot]in), if you are interested in joining us. Below we have listed possible opportunities based on your academic qualifications
Internship: B.Sc. and M.Sc. students interested in internships are encouraged to apply. However, internship positions are available for a minimum duration of one year. We are sorry that we cannot entertain internship requests for shorter durations.
Project fellow/ Project student/JRF: Students with an M.Sc. degree can apply for these positions. In the BEE lab, project-fellows take on an independent project and are expected to spearhead the research. This is an excellent opportunity to learn and develop research independence. Please write to us with your CV and motivation letter.
PhD positions: We are always open to accepting creative and motivated PhD candidates joining our team. Please apply for positions through the PhD admissions program of IISc [link here].
Postdoc positions: Applicants interested in our work and want to extend our ideas, or develop a completely independent theme (aligned with our research) are welcome to approach us for a postdoctoral position. We will support the applicant in the grant writing and fellowship application process. If interested please write to us with your CV, letter of motivation, and names and contact information of the 2 referees.
Some pointers to keep in mind before writing to us:
​Please write an email with a short CV explaining your interests, and reasons for seeking a position in our group.
Mention the questions you would like to answer. If you think that the questions you are interested in fit well with our research theme but not the model organism (we generally use M. xanthus), then feel free to suggest a new model system.
We highly appreciate if your expertise are drastically different from the methods we use. We give importance to curiosity, motivation and the ability to frame correct questions. And of course, willingness to put in hard work.
Please contact us well in advance of the intended start date. Especially if you are applying for postdoctoral positions. This gives us time to develop research ideas and apply for competitive funding opportunities.
Remember: Though Samay holds considerable sway in the selection process of new lab members, it remains a democratic process. Therefore, in most cases, you will have a one-on-one interaction with the entire lab during the application process.